Welcome to Derik Cavignano's Website!

Welcome to my author website! Navigate the menu bar to find links to my books, media coverage, events, and my blog. I periodically give away free copies of my e-books, so be sure to follow me on social media, as well as sign-up for my mailing list so you don't miss out on these deals!
I write character-driven thrillers in a variety of genres, including horror, dark crime thrillers, and sci-fi. Check out the BOOKS and OTHER WORKS headings on the menu bar above for descriptions and links to my books, anthologies, and audio dramas.
I'm an active member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA) and the Southwest Florida chapter of the HWA.
My books have sold over 175,000 copies and have received nearly 7,000 reviews across Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub. Awards for my books include:
National Indie Excellence Awards (Winner: The Art of Dying)
Best Book Awards (Winner: The Art of Dying)
American Fiction Awards (Winner: The Art of Dying)
Silver Falchion Award (Finalist: Colony of the Lost)
Check out the links below for more information.
Questions or comments? Send me an email at dcavignano@hotmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!
Having trouble with my last name? It's pronounced cav-in-yah-no.
Follow me on social media, as well as on Goodreads and BookBub!